Fall Winter 2012 fashion trends in Italy

Visit next fashion exhibtion 2013 Autumn 2014 Winter 23 24 25 November 2012 Modaprima trade show in Florence PAOLA DAVOLI following italian trends Are you searching for ready made fashion creations for your business ? call us tel.+39 059 693557 knitted outerwear - knitwear revenge see more below PAOLA DAVOLI trends from italian designers lace mixing see more below fancy animal prints see below VIA VESPUCCI 41 MAGLIERIA PAOLA DAVOLI 41012 CARPI MO ITALY info@paoladavoli.it tel.+39 059 693557 Knitwear and Jersey Creations sourching for fashion clothing distribution Call or write for an appointment: +39 059 693557 contacts here Ponchos and capes