
Showing posts from October, 2007


FASHION CUBE AREA TENDENZE A MODAPRIMA AUTUNNO INVERNO 2008 2009 MAGLIERIA MODA ABBIGLIAMENTO 1 ) ZONE : Forme architettoniche sinuose e curvilenee. Il grigio, il bianco e l’argento, consolidati su tessuti classici, incontrano l’azzurro acceso, il giallo e il rosso delle segnaletiche stradali. 2) NATURE : Cashmere, alpaca, tessuti naturali intrecciati con mais e foglie di ogni genere, danno origine a un nuovo sofisticato aspetto multistrato primitivo. I rossi, gli aranci e i viola si spengono e si mischiano a colori polverosi. 3) V-POETRY : Abiti dalle linee pulite e geometriche danno origine a richiami di poesia visiva. Nero, giallo, rosso e bianco si mischiano graficamente. 4) LIGHT : Trasparenti e impalpabili sono i colori opalescenti di alcune porcellane giapponesi. Il bianco si colora leggermente di tonalità dense e calde per sete e lane. 5) GRAPHIC IMPULSE : Come una tavolozza dai mille colori e fantasie si mischia il super colore a scritte grafiche per d...


NEXT 2009 SPRING SUMMER PAOLA DAVOLI Woman's Fashion Knitwear T-shirts . Dear Sirs, This message to inform you that Paola Davoli - Italy will show brand new 2009 SPRING SUMMER collection at: 24-26 MAY 2008 MODAPRIMA Knitwear exhibition Location: MILAN Fieramilanocity VISIT THIS LINK TO REGISTER Feel free to contact us for any other meeting in ITALY. Our Factory showroom is available at any convenient time by appointment. Have a look at http://WWW.PAOLADAVOLI.IT for pictured catalog. Made in Italy products, knitted outerwear, fancy trends.

Paola Davoli Fall winter 2008 2009

Press release Paola Davoli Italian fashion is presented by Paola Davoli knitwear manufacturer of 2009 summer womenswear summer 2009 fashion. Paola Davoli fashion fashion spring summer 2009 is composed by t-shirt, ladies t shirt inspired by italian fashion designers. Fancy tshirt are presented during fashion week. Brand new collection autumn winter 2009 after summer 2009 produced by italian fashion manufacturer represente trendy winter at Modaprima fashion fair showing italian knitwear, ready to wear autumn winter 2009/2010 collections. For summer 2009 and autumn winter 09 fashionshow is Modaprima Exhibition will be held in Milan. Paola Davoli will release a lookbook with pictures autumn winter collection italian knitwear fashion. Publish Post